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Soamibooks Paleo Hebrew Hybrid Android Keyboard Beta 2.5 (return for updates)

Updated: Apr 7, 2023

Paleo hebrew keyboard
Paleo Hebrew Keyboard

Paleo Hebrew Keyboard
Paleo Hebrew Keyboard
  1. Keyboard Designer App Download Mod alternatively download more securely from the Playstore.

Once installed first (important step) download the following plugin and open it with the Keyboard Designer when prompted.

2. Paleo Hebrew Keyboard Plug-in Download Beta 4.5

When installing an update keyboard, if you experience problems, simply uninstall keyboard designer and start the 2 minute process from scratch. That has fixed all issues so far. 𐤕𐤅𐤃𐤄

Thanks for donating if you chose to at the bottom of the page. It helps with future developments. 🙌🏿 𐤔𐤋𐤅𐤌 𐤌𐤔𐤐𐤇👑

Installation information:
